Guided Reading/ Small Group Instruction

Reading Block Planning Sheet
Name: Heather Pearman School: Collier   Grade: 4hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Reading Street – Quarter 2, Unit 1, Week 1, Day 1
Objectives: List objectives for the entire reading block.
TSWBAT identify cause and effect relationships between the events and characters in the story.
TSWBAT draw conclusions
TSWBAT make predictions
TSWBAT identify vocabulary terms for unit
TSWBAT identify context clues

Evaluation:  Tell how you will evaluate each objective.
-The teacher will observe and listen for the students responses to the teacher asked questions about cause and effect.
-The teacher will observe and listen to student’s response to drawing conclusions about passages and details.
-The teacher will observe and listen to students predictions.
-The teacher will observe students speaking correct vocabulary words after the definition are given on the smartboard vocabulary ppt. presentation.
- The teacher will observe students giving context clues for a vocabulary words meaning

Materials: List all materials that will be used during the reading block
Reading Street Book, Smartboard Vocabulary PPT presentation, smartboard, cause and effect cards, cause and effect chart

For the next 2 sections, explain your teaching procedures and/or explain what the students will be doing.  Please make sure that you are covering all of the objectives.  **Add in at least one additional resource or activity to supplement Reading Street.  Please mark the additional resource/activity in bold print.
Whole Group Instruction:  “The Old House on Dwyer Road”
The teacher will introduce the passage on the smartboard. The teacher will place the story under the camera and have students follow along as she reads aloud to the students. The teacher will stop at the word PARLOR. She will ask the students to give her the context clues surrounding the vocabulary word that enabled them to solve the meaning. The teacher will point out that context does not always offer enough clues to a words meaning. The teacher will then pull up the vocabulary ppt. on the smartboard.  The students will speak the word depending on the definition. They whisper the word in their hands and then they throw the word while speaking it. The teacher will then show the students the cover of “The Stranger”. The teacher will introduce the class to the story and then ask for some predictions. The teacher will then instruct the students to return to their seats and yellow group meet at the back table for small group instruction. Followed by green and then blue if time permits.

Independent Activities:
The students will be required to fill in a cause and effect chart. If it is too distracting to fill out the chart while reading they are to fill out the chart when they return to their seat or after re-reading. Each student will meet with the teacher for small group instruction. Each student will read pages 274-279 with the teacher. We will draw conclusions, make predictions, and identify cause and effect relationships in the story. After reading with the teacher the student will return to their desk and re-read the passage read with the teacher for better understanding. Prior to returning to their desk we will practice with sequence of events cards. After giving instruction, allow the students to take five of the cards. The answers are on the back of the card so they will be able to check their answers. Students may work with partner.

After you teach the entire reading block, complete your reflection.  In your reflection please explain what went well, what you would do differently if teaching this same lesson again, AND tell at least one thing you would do differently in your own classroom.

Small Group Plans for Heather Pearman

Group: Green
Title of Text: “The Stranger”    
Author: Chris Van Allsburg   Level: 4
Strategy/Skill Focus: Cause and Effect

Review vocabulary with students on the white board.
Discuss changing seasons and ask children to keep that in mind when reading this story.
Introduce “The Stranger”.
Read pages 274-275 aloud to students. Allow students to choral read with teacher the last three pages if they are following along as asked.

Pg. 274. What do you see in the picture? Why is he lying in the road? C&E connection
Stop and prompt for questions every two pages.
-When does story take place?
-What happened when the stranger blew on his soup?

Vocabulary(Word Work Focus): fascinated, timid, parlor, draft, etched, frost, terror
 Whiteboard- write each word on the white board and connect it to words that the students can create meaning for.  Timid- shy, parlor- sitting room, draft- current of air. Synonyms.

Extension Activity: For an extension activity the students will be introduced to a changing season’s spider map. Students are to connect knowledge meaning words to each season. Students will be given a variety of books to choose from to help them with this activity. Students will then work with next level sequence cards. Students may work with partners or in a triangle.

Group: Yellow
Title of Text: “The Stranger”    
Author: Chris Van Allsburg   Level: 4
Strategy/Skill Focus: Draw Conclusions/ Cause and effect

Vocabulary will be reviewed orally
The students will draw conclusions by answering “Why do you think Mr. Bailey takes the stranger to his house?”
Q: Why is the stranger lying in the road?  A: He has been hit by Mr. Bailey’s truck. C&E relationship.
Read pg. 274 aloud to students. Ask questions.
Choral read the rest of the pages with students.
Stop every two pages to check for understanding.
You may use the same questions from Green group. Use higher level questions for drawing conclusions.

Vocabulary(Word Work Focus): fascinated, timid, parlor, draft, etched, frost, terror
Oral review

Extension Activity: The extension activity will include students reading short teacher chosen passages and write a creative drawn conclusion as to why they think it has happened. Students will then share their responses to the passages with a partner.

Group: Blue
Title of Text: “The Stranger”    
Author: Chris Van Allsburg   Level: 4
Strategy/Skill Focus: Context clues

Check quick understanding of vocabulary
Ask students to find a word in the passage that one might have to use context clues to understand the meaning of the word.
Students read pg. 272-279 independently
Encourage them t think critically.
Ask why this is happening.
How does the author create mystery and suspense in the story?

Vocabulary(Word Work Focus): fascinated, timid, parlor, draft, etched, frost, terror

Extension Activity: Students will be given words from teacher chosen text and students will be asked to provide the context clues for the highlighted word. The meaning of some of the words should not be automatic.

o   What went well – The students worked well during whole group instruction. We swiftly went through the vocabulary smartboard lesson. Students were able to identify with concepts at a great accuracy level. The small group instruction was very engaging for the students. I was able to target the students who would need further instruction. We were able to dig deeper into the text and pull apart the concepts for better understanding. Students seemed to understand the texts purpose and were able to draw conclusions and identify cause and affect.
o   What didn’t go well – I would have liked to have books checked out from the library. I believe the selection of passages I had was limited. I could have gone to the public library to see what was available or the school library. I would have liked to work with smaller groups. The groups were very large and it was hard to target every student.
o   What will you do differently the next time you teach this lesson- I will allow for more time in small groups. The extension activities will be more engaging and interactive for the students.

Small Group Day 2
Small Group Instruction/Guided Reading

Name Heather Pearman       School Collier                        Grade 4th

Students in Group:

__________________            __________________            _________________

__________________            __________________            _________________

Date: 11/12/10 (Day 1)
Title of Text: Gray Whales
Author: Cynthia Swain   Level: Green

Strategy/Skill Focus:
Fact & Opinion- Students will identify facts and opinions in text.
Context Clues- students will be given words to define using context clues.
Supporting Details-Students will be asked to give the supporting details in text passage.
-Read aloud pg.4-5 STOP ask questions about concepts, vocabulary, etc.
-Continue, repeat……
-Pg.6-7 Choral read….
-Student read independently the rest of the text.
-Do a quick overview of the rest of the text.

Vocabulary(Word Work Focus):
Biologist, massive, bluff, rumbling, lagoon, tropical
·         Words will be located on the table on a small white board. Students will read aloud words and we will define the word as we read the text.

Extension Activity:
Students will choose one of the library books that were checked out from the school library. The books will be on Gray Whales. The students will be asked to take a picture walk and then choose two pages from that book that they will write two interesting facts from and give the supporting details for. They will also be asked to write a cause and affect relationship for one of the subjects on their pages chosen.
Date: 11/4/10 (Day 2)
Title of Text: Great Migrations
Author: Laura Bove   Level: Green

Strategy/Skill Focus:
Fact & Opinion
Supporting Details
Context Clues
-Follow Day 1 procedures
-Share books about animals that migrate
-Share video-United Streaming

Vocabulary(Word Work Focus):
Biologist, massive, bluff, rumbling, lagoon, tropical
·         Students will each be assigned a word. They are to explain the meaning of the word and its definition to the group. They will have had time to do this prior to small group.

Extension Activity:
The students will be making predictions throughout the text. The extension activity will also be about making predictions. Students will be shown a picture of an animal and an environment. They are to make a prediction about their migrating patterns.

o   What went well – The students were engaged in the small group lesson. The students were able to locate vocabulary while reading and give their own definitions. The students were also able to create cause and affect items based on their two pages in their chosen book.
o   What didn’t go well – Students had a hard time on Day 2 of small group with telling the class their vocabulary word without giving a specific definition out of the dictionary. Predictions were also a little difficult for students to make.
o   What will you do differently the next time you teach this lesson- Predicting and cause and effect will be gone into detail prior to extension activities. Extension activities may have to be incorporated into the classroom as well as small group to ensure understanding.